2016 picture of Ray Sparre

Insightful Musings on the Scriptures


Raymond P. Sparre
Northwest University class of '67

Mon Jan 17, 2022

Good morning, Zane.

Ray, Thano and kids skiing

Once again, it’s been a few days of silence from me. Did you notice? Schedules and challenges have been pretty thick around here of late. And it doesn’t seem to be letting up.

We were able to take Thano’s two boys, Kaden and Nicholas, up to a ski area at Government Camp on Saturday. They did quite well. Even though it was a weekend, the crowd was surprisingly tolerable. I’ll try again to attach a photo.

I think today’s reading in Matthew 12 is an important one. It’s heavy with the words of Jesus addressing heavy stuff.. I’m seeing 3 times in this passage where Jesus makes reference to “the day of judgment.” How many people do you suppose really and truly believe in a DAY OF JUDGMENT?—that whether they like it or not, every person’s future contains an appointment with Jesus Christ as JUDGE—Who determines final eternal destiny. At the same time, God has graciously provided all the revelation and instructional resources needed so as to make that unavoidable appointment a positive one—with no big surprises. Read again the scene Jesus describes in Matthew 7:21-27. Wow! Heavy stuff!

May your day go well—as you continue to prepare for that appointment. Love and prayers—Tua/Ray.

17 January
Matthew 12:22-50
Focus: “He who is not with me is against me, and he who does not gather with me scatters.” (Matthew 12:30)

If it is true that Jesus is Who He claimed to be, and Who the scriptures describe Him to be, then this is a sound and valid statement. As I think further about the matter, it can really be no other way. If He truly is “the Way, the Truth, and the Life,” then anyone who rejects or opposes Him can only be on the wrong road, consumed with error, and bound for consequences they won’t like and didn’t know they were choosing—headed for the opposite of life—the kind of death Romans 6:23 talks about.

This terrible condition not only causes one to be pitted against Jesus (God’s Kingdom), but also makes one to unwittingly partner with Satan and his demons. I know I tend to be repetitious, but I believe this is very critical to a sound Biblical worldview. So let me also state it again in a little different way: If there are only two kingdoms (i.e., the Kingdom of God and the kingdom of Satan), and if Jesus is the Supreme Representative of the Kingdom of God, then anyone who opposes or rejects Him automatically (by default) places himself within the territory of the enemy kingdom and is made subject to its controls and influences. That’s why Jesus can justly be so blunt as to say to His aggressive opponents, “You brood of vipers, how can you who are evil say anything good? For out of the overflow of the heart (and its kingdom orientation) the mouth speaks” (v. 34).

I want to encourage you to join me in not only personally seeking His Kingdom rule, but in nurturing personal relationship with Him. Jesus equates that mindset with becoming a close family member. “For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother” (v. 50).

“The tragedy with man is that he dies inside while he is still alive.”