Good evening, Zane.
It’s been a few days since sending my last devotional message. That’s largely due to my thick work load. Most of my work lately has surrounded the run of the mill—sawmill work.
Sunday afternoon I did a drive up to Timberline (Mt. Hood) mainly to let the dogs play a bit in the snow. They had a blast. I’ll try to stick on a photo.
Hope you’re doing well. Love and prayers—Tua (Ray)
By carefully examining the context, I am led to understand that the ASKING Jesus speaks of here is not concerned with asking for stuff. He, for good reason, refuses to be reduced to a celestial “Genie” who grants all our wishes to satisfy our self-centeredness. Instead it involves asking for understanding and clarification as to the essential what, why, how, and where of Jesus’ words. Insecurity and fear are the automatic human responses to a setting of crisis out of control. It’s easy, even unavoidable, to find ourselves in such settings along the way—circumstances that do not naturally yield joy and peace—quite the opposite. Jesus is making the claim that, although bad times are coming, the premium qualities of joy and peace are still available only in Him. They flow out of relationship with Him—a knowing that He is still in charge—a trusting confidence that we are in His care and keeping.
The last verse in this reading is immensely wonderful. I’m going to quote it here and stick in some of my own parenthetical comments. “I have told you these things, so that in me (Here’s another good place to quote Colossians 1:27—“Christ in you, the hope of glory.”) you may have peace (Is there any psychological commodity more valuable?). In this world (In this dirty deceptive “dumpster” environment…) you will have trouble. (That’s a promise! Don’t miss this fact!) But take heart! (That’s a command. The KJV says, “Be of good cheer.” Total joy.) I have overcome the world” (That is, “I am not intimidated or controlled by this dirty deceptive “dumpster” environment! I totally transcend it! Remain in me and you can too!”).