2016 picture of Ray Sparre

Insightful Musings on the Scriptures


Raymond P. Sparre
Northwest University class of '67

Thursday, November 4, 2021

Morning, Zane.

Thano and I did some rather wild tree work yesterday afternoon—departing the scene after dark. I left the boom truck there, so I want to get out the door to return to the scene—and maybe get the rest of the tree down. We’ll see.

Hope you’re doing well. Please let me know what’s been going on. Love and prayers—Tua (Ray)

04 November
John 6:25-59
Focus: “…I will raise him up at the last day.” (John 6:40)

Between verses 39 and 54 this statement is made by Jesus 4 times—“I will raise him up at the last day.” It has to be important for Him to repeat it so many times. But what does it really mean? Without getting too technical, let’s examine the idea by raising a few basic questions.

What is meant by being raised? Taking it all into account, it first involves a natural death (something everyone does, you know), then being supernaturally resurrected at an appointed “last day” with a new form of life that will never end—all in wonderful friendly fellowship with our Maker. This, of course, has no affinity with the crazy notion of a physical reincarnation with all its variations.

Who will be raised? They are those whom the Father has given Jesus (v.39), those who look to Jesus and make the choice to believe in Him (v.40), and those who eat Jesus’ flesh and drink His blood (v.54). These descriptions are fairly easy to understand—except the last one. Concerning that, I have concluded that Jesus is speaking symbolically of those who appropriate to themselves the saving influence of His sacrificial broken body and shed blood surrounding His death on the cross. That, of course, is the intended meaning contained in the Holy Communion ceremony observed in most Christian churches. I believe it also means seeking and receiving Jesus’ Life as imparted through God’s Word, about which Jesus states, “Man shall not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of God” (Matthew 4:4).

What is the meaning of believing in Him? It simply involves truly and decisively believing that Jesus Christ is one’s only hope for escaping the consequences of sin, and choosing to believe that FACT enough to obey Him and His Word.

When is the last day? Well, sorry, the Biblical record does not allow knowing specific times and dates. All we need to know is that there will be a last day—that God will bring to termination and completion this dispensation of time and unite those He raises with new life—eternal life.

I know this kind of thing is not on the ballots now being counted—but I certainly want to vote for this hope. All the alternatives hold no appeal. The key to it all still remains—“Christ in you, the hope of glory” (Colossians 1:27). Without a doubt, this is the criteria that determines who will be raised to eternal life “at the last day”. We are wise to make sure we choose “to be in that number, when the saints go marching in.”

“Where there is no faith in the future there is no power in the present.”