2016 picture of Ray Sparre

Insightful Musings on the Scriptures


Raymond P. Sparre
Northwest University class of '67

18 April 2019

Greetings, dear ones.

It’s actually a little late to say, “Good morning,” since it’s now just after noon. And I’m now catching the aroma from a jar of tuna that Becki has just opened—tuna that we canned last year. She’s preparing a spread for sandwiches—on bread she baked.

Speaking of tuna, I sure hope I can connect with some of them this summer so we can put up more. The Oregon Coast tuna run for the last couple years has been a major disappointment. They have hardly shown up.

Blessings on the rest of your day. Ray.

18 April 2019
Mark 10:1-31
Focus: “’Listen to my words,’ Jesus said. ‘Anyone who leaves his home behind and chooses me over children, parents, family, and possessions, all for the sake of the gospel, it will come back to him a hundred times as much in this lifetime—homes, family, mothers, brothers, sisters, children, possessions—along with persecutions. And in the age to come, he will inherit eternal life.’”
Mark 10:29-30 (The Passion Translation)

Allow me to spin this in my own words with the meanings I believe are intended: “Anyone who aligns himself with Me (Jesus Christ) and the Biblical Gospel, recognizing this belief and relationship to be of greater importance than all other options, will be compensated abundantly not only in this lifetime, but infinitely more so in the life to come. Just don’t expect the sojourn here to be a piece of cake. You need to anticipate suffering and persecution along the way.”

Let’s recall the setting in Mark 3:31-35 where Jesus was teaching inside a house and was informed that His mother and brothers were outside looking for Him. Do you remember how He responded? “He answered them saying, ‘Who is my true mother and my true brothers?’ Then looking in the eyes of those who were sitting in a circle around him, he said, ‘Here are my true family members. For whoever does the will of God is my brother, my sister, and my mother!’” (Mark 3:33-35, TPT) I think there is significance here. After all, following Christ, though that course may require breaking free of some possible restricting family ties, actually opens one up to the expansive family of God. And connecting with members of that special family, whenever and wherever such bonding happens, can be just plain fun.

Please do not choke on that promise of persecution. It’s really part of the package since it all takes place within the context of a very fallen world. Jesus promised, “For in this unbelieving world you will experience trouble and sorrows, but you must be courageous, for I have conquered the world!” (John 16:33, TPT). So our best security is to stay close to Jesus. And be reminded of the promise Paul made to Timothy—“For all who choose to live passionately and faithfully as worshipers of Jesus, the Anointed One, will also experience persecution” (2 Timothy 3:12, TPT). It is what it is!

“The character of God is a tower of strength,
for the lovers of God delight to run into his heart and be exalted on high.”

Proverbs 18:10 (The Passion Translation)