2016 picture of Ray Sparre

Insightful Musings on the Scriptures


Raymond P. Sparre
Northwest University class of '67

February 25, 2018

Hello, nice people

The day is now fading—and so is my head. The time is now 8:15pm.

Once again, I’m sure feeling a lot better today. I even had designs of attempting an old man jog this morning. But time got away from us before heading off to church and I never pulled it off. Maybe tomorrow morning.

Sleep well. I bet you have lots to do tomorrow too. Blessings. Good night. Ray.

25 Feb 2018
Acts 9:1-31
Focus: “They worshiped God in wonder and awe, and walked in the fear of the Lord.”
Acts 9:31b (The Passion Translation)

That description just about says it all!— about all we need to know and all we need to do in replicating the victorious faith and lifestyle of these early believers.

I’m amused, however, to note that many of these believers, who really believed that everyone could and should become a believer, had a very hard time believing that Saul had become a believer. That was almost more than they could believe! After all, this Saul had already established himself with a widespread reputation for being the exact opposite—a cold hard fanatical angry ruthless UNBELIEVER! They may have thought that if there was anyone on this planet more unlikely to become a believer, it would be Saul. But obviously, Sovereign God had other plans for this guy. All it took was His intercepting Saul on his way to Damascus, knocking him onto his donkey, blinding him with a little burst of His glory, then audibly challenging him. Saul went as limp as a whipped puppy. When he learned exactly Who had taken him down, he wisely didn’t fight or argue—he learned in a hurry that this Jesus was no push-over wimp! Suddenly he was transformed into a BELIEVER! With such a show of force, he had to recognize that was clearly in his best interests.

The marvelous beauty of this unfolding story is that Saul wasted no time getting on board with those who “worshiped God in wonder and awe, and walked in the fear of the Lord!” Praise the Lord for His life-changing grace! And praise the Lord for this particular BELIEVER who went on to be so powerfully used by God—extending blessing and inspiration to us all by authoring a large portion of the New Testament Scriptures. What an absolutely amazing story!

“To humbly receive wise correction adorns your life with beauty and makes you a better person.”
Proverbs 25:12 (The Passion Translation)