Good morning, special ones.
A good deal of rain has fallen recently accompanied by colder temperatures at higher elevations. That, of course, has generated a substantial amount of you-know-what. Therefore, I’m considering the option of running up the hill to do a little bit of you-know-what in that beautiful fresh snow.
I wrote down a lineup of 20 substantial jobs on my TO DO LIST this morning. Added to that is a call I just received this morning—announcing the availability of a large volume of hardwood trees (apparently oak) for the taking. Whew! It’s so overwhelming—I think I’ll go skiing! If I follow through with that, at least I don’t have to make a solid day of it. Two hours on the snow would probably be adequate to burn me out—with the shape I’m in.
I think I told you I’d be hauling my mill to a job this morning. But the customer would rather not fight the prediction of rain—so that job is tabled for the time being.
Have another blessed day.
Love and prayers. Ray.
Jesus is here quoting from Isaiah 29:13. It’s another scalding rebuke of RELIGION—that kind of man-made godliness that is all preoccupied with appearances and traditions, but still in bondage to unregenerate carnality—self-centeredness, arrogance, power, superiority, jealousies, back-biting, etc. If you have been around the block enough, you’ve witnessed this kind of RELIGION being displayed even in the context of some church settings—maybe even in leadership. It is this “form of godliness” that turns off so many outsiders, driving them away from a church fellowship rather than attracting them. On one hand that’s not necessarily a wrong reaction when we look to what Jesus says next in verse 14 concerning these phonies that role model RELIGION—“STAY AWAY FROM THEM, for they’re nothing more than blind guides. Do you know what happens when a blind man pretends to guide another blind man? They both stumble into a ditch!” (The Passion Translation)
On the other hand, I hope you have been around the block enough to recognize and appreciate genuine believers who role model authentic HEARTS AFTER GOD—those who are passionate about loving and pleasing their Maker. They may not all be absolutely flawless in every way—neither am I—neither are you—we’re all projects under construction. But they still demonstrate the real deal. And rather than “STAY AWAY FROM THEM,” we are instructed to seek them out and stick with them (Hebrews 10:25)—for the benefit of mutual edification. It is this brand of true Christian fellowship that is designed to generate light and attract those still in darkness. “For when you demonstrate the same love I have for you by loving one another, everyone will know that you’re my true followers” (John 13:35, The Passion Translation).