Good morning, Samara.
Whew! Just returned from my old man jog—along with my old…I mean, along with my wife of many years—my Proverbs 31 woman—so I can remain fit enough to wear myself out doing my old man stuff—and earn my old man nap. Aren’t you excited about all you have to look forward to?!
I haven’t even started making up my list for the day yet. So now I’m all excited too—to see what in the world I’m going to do today.
Have a great day.
Love, Tua.
OK, Samara—you’ve heard some of the news and talk concerning the WOMEN’S RIGHTS demonstration marches that have taken place recently around the nation. You even heard some of that stuff last night surrounding your 14th birthday bash. Without my actually being around one of those parades to be caught up in all the noise, chaos, anger, and rhetoric, I am absolutely confident of this one thing: NOT ONE PARTICIPANT IN THAT DEMONSTRATION IS A WOMAN WHO IS ANYTHING EVEN CLOSE TO A PROVERBS 31 WOMAN—“CLOTHED WITH STRENGTH AND DIGNITY”! Why would I put forth such a dogmatic statement? It’s because I am also absolutely confident that a woman who “fears the LORD” (v. 30) and is “clothed with strength and dignity” is not in the least concerned with the perverted issues that inflame and obsess that horde of deranged women. For example, she would never even consider having an abortion or want to promote and protect that kind of procedure as a legitimate form of birth control. Question: How many women in that crowd do you suppose have a husband and children who regard her in a way that our Proverbs 31 woman is regarded? “Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her” (v. 28). I would guess that the answer to that question is about ZERO.
In speaking this way, I do not choose to do so with counter anger and contempt for any one of them personally. My heart actually hurts for them. I honestly pity them due to the sinister deception that controls them and robs them of their Divinely-intended true beauty and created potential. If I reflected very long and hard, I could even weep.
I’m struck by the words, “…she can laugh at the days to come.” I like that! That doesn’t mean that she thinks the days to come are a comedy—although it’s healthy to retain a sense of humor. It means to me that she is not worried, fearful, intimidated, depressed, or bothered by the future. Why? She knows who she is, why she’s here, where she’s going, Who she trusts, and Who she ultimately is living to please. She has it basically together. Wow! What a woman! I’ll rise to praise her too! She’s my role model too!