2016 picture of Ray Sparre

Insightful Musings on theScriptures


Raymond P. Sparre
Northwest University class of '67

July 9, 2016

Good morning, dear people.

Haven’t been very regular of late. Who said life was easy?! Lots going on.

Since being bitten by a bug for ocean kayak fishing, I’ve been planning for a few months to participate in the OREGON ROCKFISH CLASSIC on today’s date out of Depoe Bay. Thano and I put out a good deal of money, time, and effort to be there—but then just after arriving at the campground venue last evening, we were given the announcement that the fishing side of the tournament is all off. The Coast Guard has shut down the bar because of foul sea and weather conditions. I was expecting to be wearing my wetsuit and catching rockfish and ling cod at this very moment. Oh well. We simply bailed and headed home—sleeping in the back of the truck at a rest area just NE of Lincoln City—then driving the rest of the way home this morning. I guess I can get some other urgent work done—and Thano can spend more time with his boys who are here this weekend.

Have a great day.

Love, Dad/Ray.

09 July 2016
Psalm 20 / Proverbs 9
Focus: "Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God.” Psalm 20:7.

We can add to the list of what some do in an attempt to establish security and protection for themselves. Some trust in science, some trust in their arsenal of weapons, some trust in their bank accounts and retirement programs, some trust in their big healthy muscles, some trust in their political ideologies, some trust in education, some trust in religion, some trust in their family heritage, some even trust that there is NO God—but David exclaims, “We trust in the name of the LORD our God.”

Jesus gave His disciples a prayer model in what we commonly call “The Lord’s Prayer.” It begins with a reference to HIS NAME. “Hallowed be your name” (Matthew 6:9). This can serve as a good setting to rehearse a list of some Hebrew name combinations used for the LORD/JEHOVAH in the Old Testament. Without searching out the references for each, I’ll list them out from memory along with their general meaning:

With all these wonderful and valuable benefits available as a result of trusting in the Lord, I have no hesitation with affirming once again that HE IS MOST WORTHY OF MY TRUST.

“The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom,and knowledge of the Holy One
(and pondering His Names) is understanding.”

~ Proverbs 9:10 ~