2013 picture of Ray Sparre

Insightful Musings on the Scriptures


Raymond P. Sparre
Northwest University class of '67

March 09, 2015

Greetings, dear people.

The time change activated on Saturday night puts a different spin on things. Besides an hour less sleep, yet an hour less light in the morning, the tendency is to sleep in. For me and my regular routine, sleeping in is rising at 6am or later. It was about 6am that I rose this morning.

The list before me just about fills a full page on my yellow pad. If I worked at it, I think I could fill two pages. Maybe three. But then I might be in need of anti-depressants. I better try to keep it simple—and simply go nuts with one page. Better yet—view it as adventure—discovering how much fun it is—to go nuts. Just kidding. To be sure, doing life with a God view (HEART AFTER GOD) is of critical importance for me.

Happy holidays! What? Why would you say that?—you ask. Right now I’m thinking of a quip that applies to a life in chosen relationship with a Sovereign God: THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS AN UNSACRED MOMENT. Therefore, every day for a serious believer is a holy day—thus a holiday. Get it? Good.

Good day.

Love. Dad/Ray.

09 March
Acts 15:36-16:15
Focus: "The Lord opened her heart to respond to Paul’s message.” Acts 16:14.

Like Jesus who sat down one day by a well at Samaria and simply opened conversation with a lone woman, Paul and his gang went down by the river at Philippi and simply began talking with some women that happened to be there. I can imagine that they first talked about trivia and incidentals—maybe the weather, how the area needed rain, and how unusually warm it was for this time of year. The ladies probably asked where Paul and his partners were from. Timothy may have asked how high the river gets when it floods. One of the ladies may have told how that just a few weeks ago a boy was badly bitten by an “eel-fish” at this very beach while he was butchering a goat. But then the conversation began to shift in the direction of why Paul and his companions were traveling, and the simple Gospel message became the theme. There were apparently no meeting plans—no printed order of the service. There were no notices of the event spread around town. It was very unlikely that someone like Silas led in a time of singing where the group was directed to stand and sit and stand and sit. There was no special choir presentation from the Antioch Church youth group. There was no PA system that was turned up loud enough to make the river quiver. I doubt that Paul or any of the participants shifted into their loud “preacher voices.” There were no stained glass windows, polished pews, platforms, pulpits, or worship teams. Nevertheless, vital ministry was being transacted that day as Paul simply shared the simple Gospel message of how the Life and Spirit of the risen Christ was dramatically changing lives everywhere this message was shared.

Lydia was one person in that group who already had A HEART AFTER GOD. It says, “she was a worshipper of God.” With that essential built-in attitude of heart, it was easy for her to receive. She was prepared. “The Lord (easily) opened her heart to respond to Paul’s message.”

These ideas inspire me because it describes a form of ministry that is available to virtually every believer. It simply requires that we be people who love and seek God, eat His Word, grow in grace and knowledge of Christ, and talk about it when and where we have opportunity. It doesn’t require having a Bible School education or ministerial credentials. It only requires that the urgency of the Gospel be high priority in our own hearts and lives. It’s easy to talk about things most important to us. There is dynamic New Testament ministry potential contained right here in this simple approach. Think about it.

“He who has a little heart for the lost will have a little heart for the Savior.”