Good morning, dear people.
How can it be that late already? Man!—I rose before 4am. Maybe it’s true that “time flies when you’re having fun.” Becki and I had a good time of yarning over the Bible passage—as well as trying to figure out some plans for this weekend that will be full of a bunch of grandkids and complications—and we did a good fun walk/jog in the rain with the dog. Now I need to take off to WoodMizer to pick up sawmill blades. I hope to get some signs installed at Colton Middle School too. The install may have to wait for tomorrow.
IAs I walked to the studio from the house a few minutes ago, I was amused at how many adoring females tend to clamor around Thano—just trying to get close to him. They bump into each competing for the space—as they cackle and cluck with anticipation. Of course, I’m describing Thano in the chicken yard.
Be blessed.
Love, Dad/Ray.
This is quite a claim. Essentially, Micah is saying, “I am full of the Holy Ghost and am speaking to you under the anointing and unction of Almighty God.” I’ve heard that claim many times before. And I have a lot of reason to conclude that many (if not, most) who make that claim are full of something you don’t want to step in. And it stinks!
I will not insist that everything presented on TBN is of this type, but I will never forget one segment I viewed where the big guns of the network were demonstrating an impassioned “move of the Holy Ghost.” One guy grabbed the mike and with loud authority (loud seems to enhance anointing) says, with eyes squinted (or closed), something like, “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me—He is commanding me to challenge you to go to your purses or wallets—find your credit cards—and call the number at the bottom of the screen to place your gift on the altar of sacrifice—because the Lord wants to bless you in ways you can’t imagine!” Am I a little cynical and critical? Indeed I am. I cannot comprehend how anyone could be so gullible so as to respond to that guy. But the strategy is clear—and apparently very effective. When someone tells you they are speaking by the Holy Spirit, only two possible facts lie behind the claim—either it is TRUE, or it is FALSE. And if it is FALSE, which is more likely, there are two motivations behind the claim—either they want to capture your feared respect and rule over you by use of manipulation and intimidation, or they want your money.
Am I just chasing some personal bias? Well, have a look at what Micah says next. There is nothing very new about modern “televangelists.” “Hear this, you leaders of the house of Jacob, you rulers of the house of Israel, who despise justice and distort all that is right…Her leaders judge for a bribe, her priests teach for a price, and her prophets tell fortunes for money. Yet they lean upon the Lord and say, ‘Is not the Lord among us? No disaster will come upon us’” (Micah 3:9-11). The attitude of these corrupted leaders could also be characterized something like this: “We are very eager and qualified to pronounce God’s condemnation and judgment on you guys—but we are exempt. Why?—because we have such a close connection with God—He really likes us—with a very large following and, bless God, we demonstrate lots of spiritual evidence that prove we are full of the Holy Ghost!”
So why am I inclined to accept Micah’s claim to being Spirit filled? For one thing he is speaking old-fashioned, often-repeated, well-established, from-the-beginning, Biblical truth. For another, he’s not trying to get anyone’s money.
I think I’m learning a thing or two with time. One is that “the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil” (1 Timothy 6:10). I’m sure you understand that money is not the problem, but the undue love of it is. Learning to sniff out money trails can help us understand a lot of things that are behind the scene with advertising, government programs, cancer research funds (Note: I believe that we are a bit naïve to think that such a fund-raising effort really wants to seriously find a cure for cancer. What would happen to that gold mine if they did?), main-stream medicine driven by pharmaceutical companies, and even some so-called “feed-the-children,” “support-a-child,” missionary, and evangelism outreach programs. No—they’re not all corrupt—but it sure is a difficult challenge for them to remain entirely corruption-free. Why is that? Read Jeremiah 17:9 again. We are wise to also sniff out the heart trail. Once again, our only real security is a HEART AFTER GOD.