Greetings, dear ones.
I sure didn’t intend to be this late here at the computer. I’ve transacted a little business already…and Becki and I did our earlier walk/jog. Now I need to make tracks.
TRIVIA. It occurred to me the other day that I am persistently involved in a fund-raising campaign. I’m raising funds so we can buy food, fuel, and pay the bills. Right? Another thought occurred to me yesterday while driving: Every worldview out there is FAITH-BASED—each is based on a faith that their view is right. Right?
Moving right along…have a great day.
Love, Dad/Ray.
Why do we have to have this endless repetition of conflict, violence, treachery, and murder? Here are three more chapters containing the same ugly stuff—not a very enjoyable read. Once again, I’m struggling to find in them anything uplifting, inspiring, or devotional. After all, isn’t that what the Bible is supposed to be good for? Following a period of thought and reflection, I come up with this idea and cling to it like a life ring: Perhaps the most positive truth to extract from it all is to be found in a simple answer to that lead question—that is, why do we have this endless ugly record? Answer: Because humans continue to reproduce themselves. I have to anticipate someone responding, “What in the world is so positive and inspiring about that?”
Human life on planet earth, as it is and continues to be, is a two part mix of BAD NEWS and GOOD NEWS. ORIGINAL SIN (the Adamic fall) makes SINNERS of every human born. That’s the BAD NEWS. Of course, I base that ugly thesis on the authority of God’s Word, the Bible. This ugly fact is the way it is, has been, and will be, till the end of time (and return to eternity). All of human history offers ugly support to that thesis. This is not to deny that the record also includes exceptional accounts of good and wonderful human achievements—even spiritual revivals. But with the passing of so much time, so many nice stories, so many revivals, so much experience, so much learning, so much effort, so much technology, how are we doing today? Are we any closer to global UTOPIA?—with the assurance that it will last? Nope. Sorry. Just look around you.
Do you have any idea how happy and relieved I am to be able to present the GOOD NEWS side of the equation? I hope you do. THE HOPELESSNESS OF MAN’S CONDITION AND HIS ABILITY TO FIX HIS OWN UGLY PROBLEM ACTUALLY UNDERSCORES THE GLORY OF THE BIBLICAL GOSPEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Can you tell I’m getting heated up?) THE INTERVENTION OF SOVEREIGN GOD’S LOVE AND GRACE OFFERS MAN’S ONLY HOPE FOR SOLUTION. WHO AMONG US CAN PRESUME TO OFFER A BETTER IDEA? Bottom line: YOU AND I FACE THE OPPORTUNITY TO INDIVIDUALLY BREAK FREE OF THE CYCLE. WE DON’T HAVE TO PERSONALLY CARRY ON BEING JUST ANOTHER SINNER—WE CAN BE SINNERS SAVED BY GRACE! THERE’S AN ETERNITY OF DIFFERENCE THERE. WHILE WE CANNOT CHANGE THE STATUS OF OUR BIRTHING, WE CAN BE REBORN. “Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God—children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband's will, but born of God” (John 1:12-13). If you can’t shout, “HALELUIA!”—I want to pray for you. (I suggest that you do that shout only if you’re alone or with somebody.)
Homework: Read Romans 3.