Greetings, dear ones.
Once again, there are several things pending that will give shape to my day. I may do a morning run to pick up some sawmill blades and sign supplies.
May you have a good day doing your thing…which plays out to be His thing…if you and your thing are things dedicated to Him.
Love, Dad/Ray.
These were the lyrics of the new hit song in heaven as premiered by an impressive angel band before an audience of spell-bound shepherds. Not only had they never seen or heard an angelic choir before, they’d never heard such a message.
Think about it. The strong implication of this message is that one gains God’s favor via the special One being born in Bethlehem that night. And a wonderful benefit to winning God’s favor is that one also gains the most sought after commodity in the entire world—PEACE. It is indeed in short supply. Be assured that Jesus is still the “Prince of PEACE” (Isaiah 9:6). I think that little bumper-sticker quip says it well: “Know Christ, know peace; no Christ, no peace.”
This is such a viable spiritual law that I believe you can use it as a kind of practical standard for determining whether or not you are walking within the borders of God’s favor. Fear, anger, anxiety, and the like are general indicators of territory outside the fence of God’s provision. But peace, love, and confidence are qualities only found in Christ—only within the boundaries of God’s favor. Colossians 3:15 puts it this way: “Let the PEACE of Christ rule (serve as a standard for guidance, like a referee) in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to PEACE. And be thankful.”
Paul instructs the believers at Philippi to rejoice in the privilege of residing within the realm of Christ. And take note of what he says about PEACE. “Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!…and the PEACE of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” (Phil. 4:4-7).
I think it really is a worthy question: Is God’s favor resting on me?