Greetings, special ones.
Today is Kaden’s (grandson) 4th birthday. We’ll see him tomorrow.
Blessings on your day. The weather is supposed to make it a beauty.
Becki and I didn’t drop into bed till about midnight last night. Our trip to Seattle went well. We had some good fellowship with high school classmate, Ray Porter and his wife, Bonnie. We opted not to attend formal church…but we had church! Ray has clearly stated his decision to embrace Christ as Savior and Lord. Enhancing our wonderful reunion, what a gorgeous day and view it was from their home overlooking Puget Sound looking to the snow-shrouded Olympic range of beautiful mountains…a very familiar site from my youth. I grew up in that setting, began my spearfishing and water-skiing career in/on Puget Sound, and climbed Mt. Olympus (the highest peak in the range). Lots of memories. And what a breath-taking spectacle again to turn south on I-5 and face big majestic Mt. Rainier.
Phooey! This is the third day our kitten is way up in another cedar tree…and can’t seem to figure out that in order to get down she has to climb down. Instead, the goofy critter tries to get down by going up higher. She is way up there now yelling for help. I suppose I will break down and do another rescue operation.
May your day be blessed with SONshine. Love, Dad/Ray
PS: Pray for Ray Porter as he is to be prepped today for doing a course of chemo and radiation.
The lead question presented by the disciples in verse 4 was, “Tell us, WHEN will these things happen?” Why would Jesus respond the way He did by saying, “Watch out that no one deceives you”? The reasonable reason as I see it is something like this: IF YOU ALLOW YOURSELF TO BE DECEIVED then WHEN THESE THINGS WILL HAPPEN DOESN’T REALLY MATTER. It’s not till verse 32 that Jesus begins to address the question of WHEN. And even there, the answer is not specific. Besides stating that He can’t tell exactly WHEN, He also implies that WHEN doesn’t really matter—that to be high-centered on the WHEN is to be preoccupied with the unimportant.
So what is important? Listen up! If you have ever been given good, practical, and all-encompassing advice on how to successfully live your life in a way that is pleasing to God, and free from failure, I think you have it here in this chapter. This advice comes in the form of WARNINGS. And they come from Someone who KNOWS—not just someone with an opinion or an agenda. Let’s quickly review those warnings at face value: “Watch out that no one deceives you” (v. 5). “Be on your guard” (v. 9). “Do not worry” (v. 11). “Do not believe it” (v. 21). “Be on your guard” (v. 23). “Be on your guard” (v. 33). “Be alert” (v. 33). “Keep watch” (v. 35). “What I say to you, I say to everyone: Watch!” (v. 37). (Quick question: How many people is “everyone?”)
Whew! Do we get the picture? Are we paying attention? Are we truly aware of what we are engaged in? Do we really see the battle lines drawn? Do we comprehend the prize of victory and the consequence of defeat?
Let’s give attention to one more statement of warning given at the end of this discourse: “If he comes suddenly, do not let him find you sleeping” (v. 36). Zzzzzzz. Think about it.