It seems fitting that on this first day of the year, contained in this first passage (from our Read-Through-the-New Testament-in-a-Year plan) from the first chapter of the first book of the New Testament we would be presented with God’s first and foremost reason for the Incarnation as confirmed by an angel to Joseph—man’s salvation from his first problem—SIN.
We are sufficiently familiar with life principles to understand the concept of fundamental…or foundational. For example, foundations always support walls and roofs. And, educationally, it makes sense that if one does not learn the lessons of first grade, they would not do well with second. But alas! We are surrounded by those who not only resist or reject this basic first-grade premise of the Kingdom of God, they actually hate it, and attempt to take on all the succeeding grades of life in defiance of it.
This is also the first axiom of the 12 STEPS PROGRAM for those trapped in the bondage of debilitating addictions: I MUST ADMIT AND AGREE THAT I HAVE A PROBLEM. To be sure, if I am ever going to break free of my addiction to SIN, denial is not the solution. I must agree that SIN IS MY FIRST PROBLEM. That is clearly how God sees it.
And that is
why Jesus later said, “Seek first the Kingdom of God” (Matt.
6:33)…which is very good advice for approaching a new year.
Maintaining that first focus will maintain my freedom from my first