Jack O'Brien's Personal update:

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Hi family and friends,

I want to bring you up to date for the last 48 hours. Ardyth has had a difficult time on Sunday and Monday, but now appears to be on the road to recovery. On Monday, she had a reoccurance of Sunday, i.e., high pulse, low bp readings and clamy, sweating conditions. We thought she was going to radiology on Monday to determine what happened on Sunday, and why there might be fluid in her stomach cavity again, but her tests would not allow that to happen.

At about 5 pm, the Dr. set up for her to return to OR again, because he found from a test that she was bleeding again. So in she went, prep completed, and Dr. Gutman performed surgery on a blood vessel that had ruptured on Sunday or Monday, and blood was going into her stomach cavity. He was trying to avoid performing another surgery, but could not do so. He repaired that vessel and cleaned out the cavity of about 3 units of blood. She was back into ICU at about 7 pm. and he came by to explain to us, Troy, Marlo, Britt and Ricco, what he had accomplished.

I was at the hospital early, to be there when she woke up, as she was sedated all night and on a ventilator. She did slowly come out of the sleep and recognized me at 9 am. She has improved all day and Troy and Marlo are sitting with her now. I am going back this evening, and then tomorrow. There will be a longer time for recovery because of these setbacks, but God is still in control. Remember, this is major surgery, as she has had her gallblatter and appendics removed, a part of her pancreas, stomach, colon and bio-duct has been removed during 4 surgeries, plus the original procedure to locate the problem in the first place. This is hard to understand sometime, but we must focus on her recovery and trust the Drs. and most of all, our Lord.

I am trusting this is now the big step to her recovery and she will be as good as she has ever been. Some have ask about me, and I can tell you that I have had peace and rest through this whole process, even though I can tell you it has been hard at times. That is where each of you have played an important part for Ardyth and for me. I knew you were all standing with me during this time. I love you for it.

This was just going to be a short note, but there is no way to tell you this in a few words.
