Sunday, November 14, 2010
Hi everyone, well, each day will bring its surprises and today was one of them. Ardyth started out with a little nausea and as the morning progressed she began to have alot of discomfort, persperation and pain. She did get some medication for nausea and pain, but about 4 pm today, her vital signs began to change for the worse, to the point of her blood pressure going pretty low, and dehydration set in quickly.
The emergency team responded when called and after getting her system stablized, they returned her to the ICU unit for overnite care, and also found her blood count to be lower than normal. They did a CAT-SCAN on her, but found no leaking of blood in her stomach area. They will moniter her closely all night, and I know she will be better in the morning.
I will keep you posted tomorrow, so please continue to pray for her as she gets through this setback. She is still positive and knows God is with her. She ask me to tell you that she loves you and appreciate all you do for her.