Jack O'Brien's Personal update:

October 5, 2010

I want to give you an update after a long day in the hospital yesterday, Monday, October 4, 2010.

First of all, Ardyth is resting well at the hospital this morning, as I have just talked with her about 7:30 am. She is clear voice and clear of mind.

On Monday, she went into surgery about 12:20 pm, after a couple of hours of prep and after the preparation in surgery, the Doctor was able to begin working with her about 1:20 pm When he began his surgery, and before he could begin the WHIPPLE PROCESS, he noticed another issue, and found she had a blockage in her colon. After examination of that blockage, he had to change what he could do at that time. He did cut the blockage out and repaired the colon to full useage without an colostomy, or a external bag. This extraction was sent to the Pathologist in the hospital for examination and we should know the results of that tomorrow, Wednesday.

She will need to go home and heal up for a month or 5 weeks, and then come back for the surgery she needed in the first place. She is still in ICU and will be moved into her room at the hospital sometime today or tomorrow.

Yesterday was a long day for her as she had some complications in the late afternoon, and had to go back into surgery to stop some bleeding. But all is ok now. God sent many to pray and visit yesterday, but she could not see any one at that time, can she see anyone today. I did get to visit with her for a short time as did Barry and Troy.

Continue to pray for her as she does recover and we trust for positive results from this blockage as to any problems for her. I will try to let you know tonight how she is doing and give a better prognosis at that time.

Thanks for everything you are doing.
