Picture of Larry Hardy 2004Larry Hardy's Personal update:

June 26, 2014

Dear Friends & Prayer Partners:

Since my last report of several weeks ago, a lot of positive and negative events have taken place.

On the negative Side.

The pain level from the sciatic nerve has increased drastically. Enabling me to be able to motivate only a short distance before having to find a place to sit down and relieve the pressure being generated by the sciatic nerve. One of the challenges, is determining and finding out why the sciatic nerve is so active and what is pinching it. Since the MRI test showed no significant change in the size of the tumor in my back, we are looking diligently to find answers and options to relieve the sciatic nerve pain. Because of the sensitive location of this tumor, many doctors and health agencies do not want to take any chances of doing a treatment around the tumor. So it is a long toilsome process of finding and contacting people, sending tests and x-rays, MRI’s and etc. and getting doctors and specialists to take a look at all of the information and give us an informed decision that they might have a way to relieve the pain. In the meantime it seems like I do a lot of sitting and very little moving. The reason that I have not gone heavy on medication, is that I find it does very little for sciatic nerve pain relief, but it does give you a very, very confused mind, thoughts and attitude. In other words it plays big time with my mind and thoughts. So I have chosen to withstand the pain and to be able to think and to act like a normal human being and putting up with the pain.

On the positive side.

Because of what I am going through physically, it seems like I have opportunities every day to share God’s greatness with someone that is hurting. Between visits and phone calls, I’ve had up to five opportunities a day to share. This is another reason why I want to be clear of mind and stay away from drugs that are going to make me dopey and unsure of myself. I thank the Holy Spirit daily for the opportunities to place my feet on the floor one more time and each time I plant my feet on the floor I asked Jesus what great opportunity He is going to give me this day to tell others of His love, grace, healing power and salvation.

Please pray with me in the following way.

  1. To recognize the open door and walk through with the power of the Holy Spirit guiding and directing.
  2. For wisdom to find a way or a person to help relieve the pain and pressure of the sciatic nerves.
  3. For a complete healing from this cancer and the sciatic nerve pains.
  4. Many additional opportunities to share Christ’s many gifts and blessings.

I want to give a personal thanks to Heyward C. for loaning us a electric motorized chair along with a ramp to get it in and out of the house and to Bob D. for the loan of two walkers. The electric chair and walkers have been a God sent for helping me get in and out of the house and to and from the car and etc. Thanks again for your many prayers, cards, visits, love and friendship. What a powerful tool you have been to me of God’s power in my life. All prayer accepted and desired.

God Bless

Larry & Hardy