Wayne Coggins
Cornerstone Family Ministries

P.O. Box 8253
Nikiski, AK  99635

Newsletter September 2013

Dear Friends:

Where were you when…?!

I think most of us who are old enough to have been around when it happened (November 22, 1963) remember when President Kennedy was assassinated, probably also remember where you were when you heard the news. I was sitting in a sociology class at Sedro Woolley High School in Washington when we got word of what had happened. It was like time stopped for hours as we all listened to radio reports as they came in. It was indeed UNFORGETTABLE.

Then more recently, September 11, 2001, terrorists attacked the United States by hijacking and flying planes into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. Do you remember where you were and what you were doing when those unforgettable events occurred? We were living in Colorado at the time but I had come to Alaska to visit and fish on my birthday (Sept 10) with my brother who was planning to fly up to Alaska from Seattle. We were to meet in Anchorage and go down to Seward to catch silvers. For some reason, he was unable to make it and I drove down to Seward myself to fish on the 11th. I stopped in at the Breeze Inn Café to have breakfast before heading down to our favorite spot to fish. It was about six thirty in the morning and I could see a crowd of people in the adjacent bar all gathered around a television intently watching what was on the screen. I remember thinking how crazy it was for people to be so glued to TV that early in the morning and especially when there were fish to be caught. About two hours later after I had caught and cleaned my six fish, I thought I’d call Tracie in Anchorage and let her know I was heading back to town. It was Tracie that told me what was going on. I had no radio reception in the car I was driving through the mountains so it wasn’t until I arrived in Anchorage before I could watch what was unfolding in New York, Washington, DC and Pennsylvania. Our world has never been the same since. My flight back to Colorado a few days later got cancelled and it was over two weeks before I was able to get out of Alaska on standby status. I’d be interested in hearing your story of where you were, what you were doing and how you felt back then. I plan to have a time for people to remember those who died, and their families, at our new Veteran’s Memorial in Nikiski on September 11, next week. That has been designated as Patriots Day on most calendars.

Autumn 2013

I was looking out in the backyard yesterday and saw a few leaves are turning yellow…and in fact, saw one leaf make its once in a lifetime journey from the top of the tree to the ground! The fireweed is bloomed out and the cottony seeds

have been scattered to the four winds…so it indeed is looking like fall is here. Even the record crop of mosquitos seem to have all but disappeared already. Where did summer go?

CFM News

While counseling slowed down a bit over the summer months, my phone lit up today with folks wanting to make appointments to deal with things that they had probably been putting off until fall. Finances have been tight during the summer so any contributions to CFM to keep the rent paid and the lights on would be greatly appreciated.

My book has continued to sell well in Alaska stores and on the Alaska State Ferry. Most of the stores (Fred Meyer, Wal-Mart, Safeway, etc) that carry the book locally sold out and have been restocked. I have gotten several interesting letters from folks who have picked it up when visiting Alaska and then took the time to look up my website and email address and then wrote to me their encouraging comments.

Church News

After having several guest speakers bless the congregation over the summer months, I am back in the saddle preaching again. I spoke last week on the interesting use of snakes as a metaphor that Jesus used for us to consider when it comes to needing wisdom. I think most folks are like me and have never met a snake that we liked but if you study some of the attributes that snakes possess that make them able to survive and thrive, there are some lessons to learn. Being wise as a serpent and harmless as a dove is a pretty good combo.


As usual, shortly after my birthday, Marveen will be heading to Colorado for a month or so to help her stepmother with things. Please pray for her as that is not an easy assignment and definitely not “vacation” time. Her stepmom is a sweet lady but needs lots of help these days. She is 87 years old.


Please pray for the family of a former co-worker of mine, Bob Fowler, as Bob went to be with the Lord two weeks ago. He was a great friend and a gifted writer and pastor with a keen ear at hearing from God. He is going be missed.

God bless you!

Wayne Coggins

[page posted 09/12/13]