When Roy and Arlene left Northwest after graduating in 1962, they went into Evangelism. They traveled full-time through 1970 from coast to coast. In January of 1971 they became the district youth directors (known as D-CAPS then) for the state of Montana. During those years they were in charge of youth activities and camps, Christian Education and kids camps, Chi-Alph college ministries (which they helped to start), and they took kids on AIM missions trips to Puerto Rico, American Samoa and to the 1976 Olympics in Montreal, Canada.
In 1979 they accepted a pastorate
in the Denver suberb of Arvada where they pastored for six years. In
1985 they once again went back into full-time evangelistic ministry.
Being an evangelist was Roy’s first calling and they have remained in
this ministry since that time. Beginning in 1986 they also have gone
overseas each year to work with our missionaries in church planting
amongst unreached people groups. They have worked in Paraguay, South
America; Senegal, West Africa; Kenya, East Africa; all over the
Philippine Islands; Mexico and Cambodia. Through these past 23 years
they have had a part in the planting of 55 churches. Having just
returned from a trip to Paraguay (after 17 years absence) they report:
“What a thrill to see how the churches we planted 20 and 22 years ago
are growing and going on for God. They now have lovely buildings in
which to worship – on the sites where we ministered in tents during the
church planting times.”
Roy and Arlene have two children. John was born just before they graduated from Northwest. He lives in Graham and is a 1987 graduate of Northwest. He is very involved at Sound Life Church which previously was the Spanaway church that Arlene’s father helped to start when he graduated from Northwest in ’38. John and Kathy have two sons. Roy & Arlene's daughter, Joy, was born “on the road” in North Carolina. She received her AA degree from Northwest in ’84 and then defected to North Central three years later. She and her husband, Scott Jensen, have been in ministry for years and are in Nebraska at this time. They have three children. The Brewers say, “it is a great blessing to have your children and grandchildren all serving the Lord. We are grateful to God for this.”