2016 picture of Ray Sparre

Insightful Musings on the Scriptures


Raymond P. Sparre
Northwest University class of '67

Sat Dec 10, 2022

Welcome sunshine is beaming in through our dirty windows—which kinda seems to sanitize the dirt. Maybe we can reach a point someday where we take time to clean them.

10 December
Revelation 2:18-3:6
“Wake up!” (Revelation 3:2)

We all know that sleep dulls the senses and causes one to become desensitized to reality. The danger of spiritual sleep is the main idea here—a condition that causes one to become insensitive and out of touch with spiritual reality, and its relationship to physical reality. I’ve acquired enough real life experience to know that this is a serious danger along the course of living my life. To help me avoid such a condition, I’ve taken time to process these special messages to the churches at Thyatira and Sardis (today’s reading), added a few other ideas, and have formulated several novel, practical, and revolutionary axioms—never before conceived by humans (tongue in cheek). After each statement it could be appropriate to pause and add the comment, “Duh!” (I’m sure you could add some of your own.) Maybe I should write them out and tape them to my bathroom mirror just to help me remember…

“Sleeping at the wheel is a good way to avoid growing old.”