2016 picture of Ray Sparre

Insightful Musings on the Scriptures


Raymond P. Sparre
Northwest University class of '67

Tue Aug 2, 2022

Good morning, Zane.

I can hardly keep up with how fast time seems to be flying by. One reminder of that reality is that ALREADY THE BLACKBERRIES ARE COMING RIPE! In fact, this morning, for the first time this season, I went out in our own blackberry jungle, following my old man jog, and picked a substantial volume of berries to add to our traditional ongoing breakfast fruit salad. So while I am overwhelmed with my need to eradicate the blackberry vines, they are, at the same time, offering a little taste of compensation.

Lots on my list. I’m still trying to select my first course of engagement for the day—whether attacking outstanding sign work or outstanding sawmill work. Since the sawmill work has been outstanding longer than the sign work, I guess I should go that direction—with plans to do a lot of sweating.

Love and prayers—Tua/Ray.

2 August
2 Corinthians 10
“We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.”(2 Corinthians 10:5)

Contained in Paul’s defense of his apostolic ministry is an essential principle for all believers toward Christian success. It is a principle that calls for constant psychological discipline. We might call it BIBLICAL MIND CONTROL. But it’s not JUST psychological. It is also spiritual, because it employs the most dynamic resource of spiritual power available to man—the proper use and application of THE WORD OF GOD—which is “the sword of the Spirit” (Ephesians 6:17). “For THE WORD OF GOD is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart” (Hebrews 4:12).

Let me say it again with exclamation: This is an ESSENTIAL principle for ALL believers toward CHRISTIAN SUCCESS! Why? Because the data and track record is quite clear, confirming that to overlook, neglect, or reject it is to guarantee CHRISTIAN FAILURE.

Have you noticed that virtually everything you do in life is a result of your thought processes? Thoughts are definitely linked to your behavior and quality of life. Please do not buy into the notion that thoughts are just thoughts—that they just come and go as they please and you hardly have any control over them. That’s a recipe for becoming a psychological and emotional basket case. Here’s how it works in simple form: THINK RIGHT—LIVE RIGHT. THINK WRONG—LIVE WRONG. And remember—there are only 2 kingdoms—God’s and Satan’s. God wants you to think right and has provided a standard and resource for doing so. Satan wants you to think wrong and will employ every subtle and deceptive trick he can to neutralize or destroy your thinking right—your Biblical faith. It boils down to a matter of choice. Which do you choose? Please understand that the right choice is a 24/7 choice.

As I try to think this through, I judge that it’s important to clarify that the activation of this vital principle is not just a matter of human effort. Human effort alone has been proven futile. I learn real fast that I can’t do what God’s Word says unless I do what God’s Word says. And the bottom line of what God’s Word says is basically this: To sincerely seek first His Kingdom rule and to love Him passionately—in other words, nurture A HEART AFTER GOD. Bingo! There it is again—the key to it all! It’s like entering the required password or pin number for accessing the required divine resources that are abundantly available to only those with that kind of personal account.

“I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you”
Psalm 119:11