2016 picture of Ray Sparre

Insightful Musings on the Scriptures


Raymond P. Sparre
Northwest University class of '67

Mon Apr 04, 2022
Picture of Smokey & Tazzy in the snow

Hi, Zane.

There is still a little left of the morning—about one hour.

I did it again yesterday. That is, Becki joined me with the two dogs on run up to Timberline where I skied back down to Government Camp with the dogs running along. Becki drove the van down to meet us at the bottom. Smokey particularly was beside himself with delight. When I would stop for a brief rest, he couldn’t restrain his emotions and would just prance around me with intense barking. Now I don’t really speak K9, but I’m inclined to translate his message as, “This is just so cool! I absolutely love doing this! I don’t think I’ve ever had more fun in my life than what I’m having right now!” And I tend to take that message as fun for me. There should be a photo with this.

Hope your day goes well. Love and prayers—Tua/Ray.

04 April
Mark 2:23-3:12
“He looked around at them in anger and, deeply distressed at their stubborn hearts, said to the man, ‘Stretch out your hand.’” (Mark 3:5)

There are many who misrepresent Jesus as being someone who was always kind and soft and loving. Here we see Him clearly angry. That’s right. Jesus gets angry. But this is no impulsive out-of-control irrational anger. It is a godly anger. It is righteous anger.

More important than seeing Jesus’ capacity for anger is to understand what causes His anger. Make no mistake about it, nothing ticks Him off more than hypocrisy, pride, rebellion, and legalism. If we had time we could launch a study to substantiate that. We see Him here facing all those attitudes in this confrontation with primarily Pharisees. And we see them so absolutely consumed with their rejection and hatred of Jesus that they depart the scene of this miraculous demonstration of Jesus’ deity and go out to plot His murder. That really doesn’t make any good sense! Nevertheless, that mindset is still very common today. Their anger was irrational and unjust. Jesus’ anger was deliberate and just—it was godly anger directed at evil.

May I suggest that you do everything you can to avoid the failures of the Pharisees (hypocrisy, pride, rebellion, and legalism) like you would avoid a black mamba. Solomon spoke of the foolishness of one to provoke the anger of a king (Proverbs 16:14). How much more the King of kings?!

“It is thoroughly Christ-like to be angry at evil.”