2016 picture of Ray Sparre

Insightful Musings on the Scriptures


Raymond P. Sparre
Northwest University class of '67

Thu Feb 24, 2022
February 23 at Mt Hood Meadows

Morning, Zane.

Are you seeing snow fall in Dallas? I was surprised to look out to see snow coming down here with an accumulation of about a half inch or so on the ground.

Speaking of snow, I was able to follow through with playing a bit in snow yesterday at Mt. Hood Meadows. I’ll try to stick on a photo from that setting. It was beautiful, clear, and cold with squeaky snow. We had a great time…till our old man legs began to fatigue and turn to rubber.

Blessings on your day. Love and prayers—Tua/Ray.

24 February
Acts 8:9-40
Focus: “Repent of this wickedness and pray to the Lord.” (Acts 8:22)

This may not be very inspiring and devotional, but the passage before us prompts me to give some attention to what I will call “the ministry of rebuking.”

Firstly, let’s examine the leadership qualities of Peter in this particular confrontation with Simon the Sorcerer. Peter has come a long way since his own major failure. He has matured greatly by means of repentance, revelation knowledge, experience, and the infilling of the Holy Spirit. He is now a man of passion to see people truly born into the family of God and filled with the His Spirit. All these qualities of his new life in Christ combine to give him a holy boldness toward the flawed ideology presented by Simon the Sorcerer who seems inclined to promote “syncretism” (the attempt to blend Biblical Christianity with heathen paganism—a mindset we have beheld in abundance while living cross-culturally in various Pacific Island communities). Peter is not interested in wasting his time playing church games over controversial points of theology that tolerate sin, ignore Satan’s influence, and overlook selfish motivations.

So when Simon the Sorcerer reveals his carnality and contaminated view of the Kingdom of God by offering to pay for the power to cause people to be filled with the Holy Spirit, Peter steps up and functions as a true church leader. He confronts Simon with truth, challenge, and warning. Peter recognizes that the filter Simon is using to process the Gospel message is one contaminated with self-centeredness and magic. It was not only detrimental to Simon himself as a new believer, but posed a dangerous threat to the health of the entire church fellowship. There is no need to imagine Peter as speaking unkindly or angry or shaking his fist in Simon’s face. I believe Peter simply responded to the urgency and opportunity presented and spoke “the truth in love” (Eph. 4:15).

Too many church leaders would be silent. They would be afraid to hurt Simon’s feelings, or risk his anger, or discourage him in his new faith. Or they would feel prevented to speak because Simon was a local politician, a relative, or a major financial contributor. They would talk to others about him or privately pray for him. But there was then, and still is today, a great need for church leaders, like Peter, to exercise the godly and scriptural ministry of rebuking. (See 1 Tim. 5:20; 2 Tim. 4:2; Titus 1:13, 2:15; Gal. 6:1.)

You may not be an appointed leader in your church fellowship. But if you are a serious follower of Christ, you ARE a leader.

“The surest way to mishandle a problem is to avoid facing up to it.”