2016 picture of Ray Sparre

Insightful Musings on the Scriptures


Raymond P. Sparre
Northwest University class of '67

23 April 2019

Good afternoon, dear ones.

It’s much later in the day than I would like. I’m actually still in my jog togs at 1:19pm. A lot has transpired since that little jog with the dog. So it hasn’t just been wasting time.

Thano is pushing on me to assist him with loading his new dump trailer with a bunch of logs that lay only a couple blocks away. He’s out there right now getting the equipment trailer hooked up to my truck so I can haul the track hoe over there to do the loading. So after sending this, I’ll change and get on with that—without even getting in my old man nap.

Incidentally, we opted to not attempt fishing today. Maybe tomorrow.

Blessings on your day. Love, Ray.

23 April 2019
Mark 13
Focus: “Jesus answered, ‘At that time deception will run rampant. So beware that you’re not fooled!’”
Mark 13:5 (The Passion Translation).

I want to begin with an expression of thanksgiving. I think I’m blessed in more ways than one. Besides being able to grow old with my college sweetheart (51 years and counting), we absolutely enjoy being on the same page insofar as things important are concerned—discussing with spontaneity those things in the light of Biblical truth. I simply cannot imagine a better setting for engaging in good lively Christian fellowship than right at home in the daily context of marriage.

In the way of example, one of the first things Becki said to me this morning while following her reading-the-Bible-in-a year plan was something like this: “This reading in the book of Judges certainly reveals how persistently stupid people are!”

If you know anything about the historical record of Israel within that volume, you know there is a dismal cycle that is repeated over and over again—as though they never really learn from the stupidity of presuming they can abandon or ignore God without consequence. I’ve heard that cycle described this way:

  1. SIN—they abandon devotion to God in favor of conformity to the culture.
  2. SERVITUDE—God disciplines them by allowing foreign nations to conquer them and exploit them as slaves.
  3. SORROW—when they finally recognize their stupid they cry out to God in repentance and seek His deliverance.
  4. SALVATION—God responds to their cries of repentance and delivers them.
There is a time of rejoicing and praise to God—but not for long. Soon they repeat the same stupid cycle all over again—and again—and again.

Before we say much more about Jesus’ description of what we might call THE LAST DAYS OF HUMAN HISTORY, it may be good to raise an important question that we all should answer in regards to where we are right now: Are we, or are we not, right now navigating the LAST DAYS? Without hesitation, I believe that is precisely where we are right now.

This exchange begins with the question the disciples put to Jesus—“Tell us, when will these things happen? And what supernatural sign should we expect to signal your coming and the completing of this age?” (13:4. TPT). The first words from Jesus are highly significant. He clearly minimizes the importance of knowing precisely WHEN it will all come down. But He clearly identifies what is MOST IMPORTANT by saying, At that time deception will run rampant. So beware…” I take that to mean that the end of time will be marked by people being more stupid that ever! Beyond normal stupid! Supernaturally stupid! Wow! I don’t know about you, but I’m seeing confirming signs.

Let’s allow the words of Jesus to prescribe the practical bottom line: “This is why you must be waiting, watching, and praying, because no one knows when that season of time will come” (13:33. TPT). “Be alert, for he’s coming suddenly and may find you sleeping! And what I say to the four of you, I say to everyone—be awake at all times!” (13:37. TPT).

“Embrace the truth and hold it close.
Don’t let go of wisdom, instruction, and life-giving understanding.”

Proverbs 23:23 (The Passion Translation)