2016 picture of Ray Sparre

Insightful Musings on the Scriptures


Raymond P. Sparre
Northwest University class of '67

21 April 2019

Good Easter evening, dear people.

We joined in a special Easter potluck breakfast at church this morning. Then we were invited to dine and hang out with friends in the afternoon. Good times surrounding a superlative theme—HE’S ALIVE!

Other things, including Becki’s birthday on Friday, have interfered with devotional writing the last couple days. The one below is kind of a shorty and didn’t even get started till this evening.

Good night. Blessings. Ray.

21 April 2019
Mark 11:27-12:17
Focus: “’…The coin bears the image of the emperor Caesar, so you should pay the emperor his portion. But because you bear the image of God, you must give back to God all that belongs to him.’”
Mark 12: 17 (The Passion Translation).

I cannot imagine a more profound line of reasoning to support the need for us all to surrender our lives to our Sovereign Maker and His purposes. It just makes perfect sense IF we can understand WHO we are, WHO made us, WHO owns us, and WHY. I’m inclined to equate the impact of Jesus’ words here with Paul’s challenge in Romans 12:1-2—“Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God — this is your spiritual act of worship” (NIV). The KJV states that last line as, “this is your reasonable service”—meaning that anything less is unreasonable, all things considered.

I also think it’s reasonable to consider this related question: What are the chances of my life going well and being blessed of God if I choose to withhold giving “back to God all that belongs to him?” It only makes sense to me that if I refuse to give to someone what rightfully belongs to them, I am committing a form of theft. Isn’t that equal to criminal behavior that deserves consequences?

“You may have an abundance of wealth, piles of gold and jewels,
But there is something of far greater worth; speaking revelation words of knowledge.”

Proverbs 21:15 (The Passion Translation)