2016 picture of Ray Sparre

Insightful Musings on theScriptures


Raymond P. Sparre
Northwest University class of '67

January 21, 2016

Good late morning, dear ones.

We became so carried away with talk and other things that we ran out of time to do our typical walk/jog excursion—even though the morning so far is rain free.

My list is so congested today, I can hardly justify staying here in front of this computer another minute. Nevertheless, I remain here long enough to make this comment. Consider my quote below from Proverbs 21:2—“…but the LORD weighs the heart.” It calls to my memory the word “Tekel.” Do you remember that from Daniel’s interpretation of “the handwriting on the wall” in Daniel 5:27? “Tekel: You have been weighed on the scales and found wanting.” So a good personal question could be, “How much does my heart weigh?”

Blessings on your day.

Love, Dad/Ray.

21 January 2016
Psalm 21 / Proverbs 21
Focus: "The king’s heart is in the hand of the LORD; he directs it like a watercourse wherever he pleases.” Proverbs 21:1.

Not all kings are equal. Not all political leaders are characterized by a HEART AFTER GOD. In fact, that kind of leader seems extremely rare. It would seem that most become intoxicated with the privileges made available by their own sought-after positions—privileges to indulge in their lusts for power, wealth, and pleasure—even though all will claim to be motivated by a desire to help people. Nevertheless, even corrupt political leaders are utilized by the Most High in the fulfillment of His Sovereign Will. Nothing gets by Him. There are no accidents that happen on planet earth that cause the Sovereign to exclaim, “Oh my!—how in the world did that happen?!” So if it is true that a HEART AFTER GOD inspires divine revelation, wisdom, and righteousness, then it makes sense that a HEART AVOIDING GOD accommodates darkness, foolishness, and sin. That’s exactly what is set forth a few verses down—“Haughty eyes and a proud heart, the lamp (inspiration) of the wicked, are sin” (Proverbs 21:4). Anyway, with this general overview that everyone is inspired by thoughts and inspirations beyond themselves, all under the oversight of the Sovereign LORD of the universe, I have to reason that even the deplorable conditions we see taking shape in high places of governmental leadership all around us are right on schedule—at least indirectly, they are ordered of the LORD. After all—let’s read it again—“The king’s heart is in the hand of the LORD; he directs it like a watercourse wherever he pleases.”

David shines as a wonderful exception to the mindset of typical political norms. We find him in Psalm 21 absolutely ecstatic with praise and rejoicing before his LORD as he recognizes so clearly his being given blessing after blessing as a result of his HEART AFTER GOD. “O LORD, the king rejoices in your strength. How great is his joy in the victories you give!” (Psalm 21:1). “Surely you have granted him eternal blessings and made him glad with the joy of your presence. For the king trusts in the LORD; through the unfailing love of the Most High he will not be shaken” (Psalm 21:6-7). How often have we heard political leaders articulate such ideas?

Before we get all high-centered on these principles as they apply to “big guns,” let’s take note of how they apply to little pea shooters—like you and me. It doesn’t call for much reflection to conclude that these principles are really the same for all of us—no matter our level of leadership or affluence. The fact that “Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart” (1 Samuel 16:7) has never changed. A HEART AFTER GOD pays universal benefits beyond what a person has the capacity to comprehend. A HEART THAT AVOIDS GOD pays universal consequences beyond what a person has the capacity to imagine. But I’m convinced that every normal functioning human mind has the capacity to discern the difference—if they want to—which is wisdom and which is foolhardy.

“All a man’s ways seem right to him,but the LORD weighs the heart.”
~ Proverbs 21:2 ~