2007 picture of Ray Sparre

Insightful Musings on the Scriptures


Raymond P. Sparre
Northwest University class of '67

January 18, 2013

Good morning, special people.

I rose much too late. And my composition is much too long. But in both cases, I’m not inclined to apologize. Maybe just read the first paragraph and go from there.

My list is not getting shorter…rather it seems to be getting longer. May the Lord direct steps today as you maintain a ______ ______ _____.

Love, Dad/Ray.

18 January
Passage: Exodus 2-4
Focus: “God heard their groaning and he remembered his covenant with Abraham, with Isaac and with Jacob.” Exodus 2:24.

I’m not entirely on board with the rigid doctrine that every single word in the Bible is absolutely inspired of God. My general view may be on the controversial side, but here’s how I see it at this point in my sojourn: THAT WHICH ACTIVATES THE BIBLE TO BE THE INSPIRED WORD OF GOD IS A HEART AFTER GOD. Without that personal psycho-spiritual heart condition, it’s just a bunch of black print on white paper.

Allow me to offer just two cases within chapter two that support my view and draw simple comparisons between the IMPLICATION of the text, and the FACT of God’s truth.

FACT. The evidence is clear in the overview of the account that there was nothing accidental or unforeseen going on in the unfolding and fulfillment of what God willed. (Read Psalm 139.) Please be humbled by the clear fact that He regularly uses imperfect people in the process of fulfilling His perfect will.

IMPLICATION 2. “When she saw that he was a fine child, she hid him for three months” (2:2). Post-partum abortion of male babies was the law of the land at this time for the Israelites as imposed by Pharaoh’s executive order. The text implies that Moses’ mother noted something very special about this particular baby and because of that decided to defy the edict. Give me a break!

FACT. Can you even imagine a normal thinking woman participating in the divine design of procreation, giving birth to a beautiful perfectly-formed new life, and NOT regard this new person as “a fine child?” (Read Psalm 139 again.) The fact is, God was at work behind the scenes, Moses was right on schedule, his mother conceived of plans and strategies unwittingly in harmony with the promptings of the Holy Spirit, and you know the rest of the story.

LESSON: You and I are intended—not some freak of nature—not just an accidental after-thought. Let’s not make it too complicated—A HEART AFTER GOD not only infuses the Bible with practical personal inspiration, but will determine on which side of the mystery of God our destiny will be fulfilled.

“A wise man makes his own decisions; an ignorant man follows public opinion.” ~ Chinese proverb