2007 picture of Ray Sparre

Insightful Musings on the Scriptures


Raymond P. Sparre
Northwest University class of '67

October 28, 2012

Good late evening, dear ones.

At least it’s late for me. I’m normally sound asleep by now. But it is still the 28th…for a couple hours more. The day took off…then got congested in the middle…and I never had time to get back to the computer till now. I didn’t even get in my typical Sunday afternoon nap.

We just returned from Dallas (Oregon) where we attempted a simple Bible lesson with our grandkids…along with another family. Good time.

My eyes are wanting to shut again…and my head is not working right. So…good night.

Love, Dad/Ray.

28 October
John 3:1-21
FOCUS:“How can this be?” John 3:9.

I can identify with Nicodemas’ question and exclamation. My mind seems to ask that question very often about lots of things. How do birds and fish know when and where to migrate? How does a spider spin a web and know how and where to place it? How does the digestive track in my own body know how to process food and distribute nutrition to where it needs to go? How does this computer work? How can multiple 2-way conversations and transmissions of data pass through one little wire?—or without a wire? I could go on and on. In spite of my inability to comprehend so many things, I will not reject their reality. I’m quite happy to eat my breakfast fruit salad and exercise the power of this computer even though I don’t perfectly understand how it all works.

I don’t know if this is true or not, but I have heard of the existence of a group calling themselves THE FLAT EARTH SOCIETY. Well, why not check it out? I just did by “googling” that title. Sure enough—it’s true! There they are! In rejection of all the scientific knowledge available today, they still insist that the earth is flat. I want to exclaim again, “How can this be?!?”

That is no more foolish than the person who rejects the reality and need of the NEW BIRTH on the basis of it sounding too strange or it not being compatible with their background experience and mindset. I recommend that we respond to this concept the same way we do our computers or our digestion—that we accept it and use it and be benefitted by it to the full.

There’s a very encouraging piece of good news resident in John 19:39. It implies that Nicodemas went on to become a genuine BORN AGAIN believer. He wisely did not reject what he could not perfectly comprehend.

“In heaven, God will reveal what on earth He chose to conceal.”