2007 picture of Ray Sparre

Insightful Musings on theScriptures


Raymond P. Sparre
Northwest University class of '67

February 2, 2012

Hey there, hi there, ho there…dear ones.

Silly greeting.  But it’s hard not to be a little light-hearted as I look out and see beyond my dirty window and clutter to the beautiful morning sunshine cascading through the cedars.  I think I just stated a principle in living.  Lots to do.  One of the first is to repair a flat tire on the car which Becki encountered while I was away last night…working at Andy’s new shop in Dallas (Oregon).  Hope it didn’t destroy the tire.  But before that, I better do a jog…with the dog…maybe two dogs. (The neighbor’s dog often comes over to join in.)

Have a great day.

Love, Dad/Ray

2 February
Passage: Matthew 23
Focus: “For whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.” Matthew 23:12.

Here is a chapter that everyone should read and heed.  Among other things, it presents a perspective of the “gentle loving Jesus” that many seem to ignore.  In processing its central theme, may I engage in a bit of allegory?  (Pause)  I didn’t hear your response, so I’ll just proceed.

Mr. Pride is an archenemy to the Kingdom of God, though he would never admit it.  He is a very stubborn resident of the human heart.  Even if he is evicted for a time, he will never rest in his quest to regain occupancy.  This Mr. Pride is particularly keen on residing high on the Hill of Renown.  He is not as concerned with the dwellings of the masses in the valley.  Yet he is virtually omnipresent to the human family and will reside anywhere he is allowed to remain.  He is a most clever con-artist who never operates under his own name.  He has been known to dupe even the most intelligent.  He is never content to live alone and will always call on his special friends, Hypocrisy and Greed, to join him.  He also enjoys hanging out with Legalism.

Concerning these “teachers of the law and Pharisees,” Jesus clearly identifies in them the residency of Mr. Pride whom they have unwittingly accommodated.  He declared that such accommodation not only disqualifies them from proper leadership, but also bars them from the very Kingdom of God that they claim to represent.  That should stand as a very noteworthy warning for all of us, taking particular note of the fact that we are individually responsible for Pride’s removal and control.  Listen again to verse 12: “For whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.”

One more thought: Humility is not the best manager of Pride.  Wisdom is.  For she is the parent and guardian of Humility.  Pride is just plain foolish and earns God’s revulsion and repulsion.  Wisdom teaches humility and wins God’s delight.  “Blessed is the man who finds wisdom…She is a tree of life to those who embrace her; those who lay hold of her will be blessed” (Prov. 3:13-18).

"Pride is the only disease that makes everyone else sick…except the one who has it."
(Yet the condition is clearly LIFE-threatening.)