2007 picture of Ray SparreInsightful Musings on the Scriptures
Ray Sparre, NU class of '67

Ray has a wealth of experience as a Husband, Father, Pastor, Missionary, and student of the Word. He believes and practices his faith where the rubber meets the road. You'll find his writings to be practical, insightful, and grounded in a truly Christ-centered world view.

Below are links to a printable daily Bible reading guide which Ray has followed, and an archive of all his daily devotional writings for 2010 and 2011.

| Sparre Home PageDaily Reading Guide  |  2011 Devotion Archives  |  2010 Devotion Archives  |

27 Dec 11
  Good morning, dear ones.
            The little boys are here again amidst another big TO DO list.  Kash is out running the mill.  He’s become a regular run of the mill kind of guy.
            Have a great day.  Love, Dad/Ray
27 December 2011
Proverbs 27
Focus: “Be sure you know the condition of your flocks, give careful attention to your herds.”  Proverbs 27:23.
The main idea I see being presented in this five-verse paragraph underscores the importance of planning and preparation for the future.  Let’s put that paragraph before us.  “Be sure you know the condition of your flocks, give careful attention to your herds; for riches do not endure forever, and a crown is not secure for all generations.  When the hay is removed and new growth appears and the grass from the hills is gathered in, the lambs will provide you with clothing, and the goats with the price of a field.  You will have plenty of goats' milk to feed you and your family and to nourish your servant girls” (vv. 23-27).
            Sure, there is wisdom in planning and preparing for the future as it relates to managing money, savings, retirement, investments, business development, and developing a resource for food and other necessities in the event that money fails.  In the old days, all this was closely related to farming and ranching.  Few of us any more have our financial security tied up in flocks and herds.  Whatever form it takes, all that planning is not a guarantee that the plan will flow as we would wish.  I’m reminded of the comment Solomon made in Chapter 23—“Cast but a glance at riches, and they are gone, for they will surely sprout wings and fly off to the sky like an eagle” (23:5).  Even verse one of the chapter before us warns, “Do not boast about tomorrow (as though your wonderful planning and preparation offers absolute security), for you do not know what a day may bring forth.”  That fact of uncertainty seems to be bigger than ever for many of us.  Today, national and international tensions along with a seriously ailing worldwide economy make planning for the future very uncertain indeed.  All we can do is our best to responsibly plan and prepare, and trust the Lord with the outcome.
            What does Jesus have to say on the subject?  “Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal: For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also” (Matthew 6:19-21, KJV).
            That encouraging advice is worth remembering.  However we put our plans and preparations for the future together, let’s make sure we do so in harmony with this balanced guidance from Jesus.
“Many Americans seem to feel that living within their means is a fate worse that debt.”