Jack O'Brien's Personal update:

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Hello, everyone,

we want to wish all of you a wonderful Merry Christmas, a Happy Holiday season, and a Happy New Year.

I am sorry I have been slow to bring you up to date on Ardyth's condition. As I mentioned in my last update in October, the strain of business and caring for Ardyth has been difficult, to say the least. But I can tell you God has given strength that has overcome all other obstacals.

After Ardyth's hospital stay and surgery in October, she showed remarkable improvement also most immediately. Within 5 days after getting home, she was up and around like she had before getting sick and going into the hospital quickly. Her surgery consisted of removing scar tissue that had wound around her bowels and finally closed them off, litterly overnight. Her surgeon felt this could be a cause of her not absorbing nutrients into her system. From the moment she got home, she started to improve, and as she got her strength back, she has steadily improved.

In the last 45 days, she has gained over 9 pounds and muscle that is helping her get back to normal activities. Three weeks ago, she went shopping with our daughter-in-law, Marlo, and granddaughter Alyssa, and our new great grandson, Jace. They spent over 5 hours going all over the mall getting a good start on Christmas shopping. The next day or two, she was sore, but still gaining strength and visiting friends and family on a regular basis. A week later, she and I went shopping again for several hours, and she did well again. I am so pleased at her attitude and confidence of doing things she has not done for over 15 months. She told me the other day she believe she is ready to start driving again in January, which means she is gaining confidence in her ability to function by herself outside the home.

Thank you all for your prayers, in the past year and continuing today. Your concerns and prayers have helped us to know better things are coming in the near future. Thank you all for your communications in many different ways over the past 15 months.

We love you all and appreciate your support.

Jack and Ardyth