Jack O'Brien's Personal update:

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Hi everyone,

I trust you all are having a fine year, with spring breaking out all over the country, but am sad for those in the paths of the bad weather and storms and hurricanes. Our prayers are for you. All of you in the Missouri area, we have been praying for you and are concerned for you.

Well, Ardyth is doing just great. She is back to eating normal and doing chores around the house on a more regular basis. I try to help, but she wants to do them, that is all she can and what she can reach or carry. We get out to walk and have a bit to eat on a regular basis. She still needs to gain some weight back and let her body fill out more, and gain that "Ardyth" look back again. She is healed up from the actual surgery, but still holding some fluids in her legs.

Last week, she began her daily therapy sessions 4 days a week for 2 hours each, to remove the fluids from her legs, and she is showing some good signs already. She will do this for 3 or 4 weeks, depending on how well she improves. She now has family and friends helping her get to all the appointments.

God has really been a strength for us, and all of you have also helped in many ways. Thanks for writing, callling, sending notes and your thoughts and prayers. Please pray for Charles and Ramona Crabtree, as they both are faced with recovery time from surgery themselves. For those who do not know them, they used to be our Pastors here in San Jose, and he is now President of Zion Bible College in Rhode Island, and has served in our national offices of our demonination.

Write when you can and we hope to see many of you this summer or fall, Lord willing.
