Jack O'Brien's Personal update:

Thursday, December 09, 2010

Well, we had our visit with the Dr. today, and he said she is doing well and her recovery will take 6 to 8 weeks. He gave her the go ahead to do what she feels like doing and eat what she wants to. He is pleased that she is getting her strength back and can move around without the help of aids. He did explain it was normal to want to stay away from crowds, as a protective shield for ones own self. She will get over that as she gains confidence in her steadiness and control.

She had lost some size in her frame in October after the first surgery, but has lost another 15 pounds since the November surgery. The Dr. was a little surprised at that amount and suggested she eat even when she does not feel like it. Her appetite is not much right now, but will come back. He suggested she use drinks like Ensure and said, "go have a large hot fudge sunday". He is pleased after 4 surgeries that she is on her feet, doing small things around the house, and being "active". This was her first trip outside the house since November 30.

Again, thanks for all your support and prayers. We appreciate you and will keep you posted.
