Jack O'Brien's Personal update:

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Hi everyone. Well Ardyth is home and really enjoying it. She is a little slow, but up and around the house. We went for a walk down the street and back tonite. She is doing so well, that the Drs. are so surprised that she still has had no pain nor symptoms from the problems or surgery. She feels some pain from the incision area and the gases that comes from eating whole foods again.

She is on her way to build her strength again for the next surgery in mid-November, unless, as I said before, there is no need to have the next surgery. With the power of your faith, prayer and friendship, I would be foolish not to ask for your help if and when the next time comes to be. Have a wonderful fall season and we will be in touch.

Thank all of you so much, from New York to California, from Florida to Washington, From Minnesota to Texas and from Idaho to Hawaii. From the Ozarks to the Rockies, from the Poconos to the Cascades and Sierras. And all points inbetween. Thank you all so much for your love and your prayers. We have felt them all every day and every night.

Jack and Ardyth.