Jack O'Brien's Personal update:

September 25, 2010

Hi friends,

I want to bring you up to date concerning Ardyth's situation and condition. As I mentioned to you in my previous note, the pathologist sent her biopsy to University of California of San Francisco Medical School. I know many, many people have been praying for her and for me, which we both appreciate and are humbled by your reponse of e-mails, telephone calls and cards. We thank the Lord for all of you.

Thursday this week, September 23, our Doctor called Ardyth to report the findings of the examination at UCSF. The report is that the tumor is pre-cancerous, which means that it is not malignant right now, but is aggressive enough that we need to move forward with the surgery. We meet with a surgeon on Monday, two days from now. I suspect the surgery will be scheduled for later this week, or early next week. What great news from the medical doctors.

We are excited with such a good report, and we know it is because of all the prayer given for her to our Great Physician. He has been working in her since the first prayer was offered on the day we were informed about the tumor and cancer. Our Doctor who is not a christian told us, "it looks like your prayers are being answered". God is great. Thank you all so much for your prayers. Please continue them as we work through the surgery and recovery. We love each one of you for your friendship and prayers. Thank you for asking others to pray for us, even though many do not know us, but they know we are all part of the Family of God. God bless you and your family and friends.

Jack and Ardyth.