Jack O'Brien's Personal update:

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

On September 2, Ardyth went in for a routine physical and had already given fluid samples, including blood, so our Doctor could review before her appointment. When she got to her appointment, the doctor told her that she had some abnormal readings concerning her liver and pancreas, and wanted to have a CAT SCAN done immediately. When she returned home from that appointment, the doctor was on the phone, telling her it looked like she had some spots on her pancreas, and would she see a surgeon the next day, the 3rd. We both went to this appointment and after talking for an hour, scheduled an appointment for the 15th for the surgeon to do a procedure to go down her throat to inspect a bioduct around and connected to her liver. That was accomplished on the 15th, and the surgeon informed us that she has a tumor in her pancreas, and it is malignant. Wow.

After he talked to Ardyth and me, we were in shock and continue to be so, and yet the Lord has given us peace and calmness beyond understanding. We have talked to some, so many people and churches have been praying, even though it has been just six days. I am writing to you to share with you and ask you to pray with us also.

Yesterday, we had another consultation with our Doctor, and she shared with us the head pathologist at Good Samaritan Hospital in San Jose has seen the biopsy and after reviewing it, thought there might not be any malignancy. They are testing it at UC SAN FRANCISCO MEDICAL SCHOOL for further opinions and results.

I can tell you Ardyth has no symtomps, no pain, no sickness or any of the other reactions she should have if it is malignant. The tumor does have to be removed surgically, and probably with the next three weeks. I will keep you posted.

Thanks for your prayers, and if you wish to give her a message, her e-mail address is ardieobrien@juno.com. Mine is jsobrien@juno.com.
