Picture of Larry Hardy 2004Larry Hardy's Personal update:

August 20, 2014

Dear Friends & Prayer Partners:

REJOICE - for tomorrow I take my first of five CyberKnife radiosurgery Treatment. This treatment is aimed at my latest tumor located in my lower back. The end results being hoped for is killing, destroying, shrinking and hopefully the removal of my tumor out of my back. After the five treatments, there will be a 12 week plus period of time where the radiation will be allowed to work on what’s left of the tumor.

I am asking each of my prayer partners and warriors to pray with me that this treatment will be a success. Because I will be laying on a flat table for around 45 minutes each day, I’m asking that you pray for no pain days, no sciatic pain and no leg cramping.

The CyberKnife robotic radiosurgery system delivers radiation to nearly any part of the body. To learn more about the CyberKnife, check out the following link (http://www.swedish.org/services/radiosurgery-center/radiosurgery-treatment/cyberknife).

Thanks for all your prayers for Juanita and I cherish deeply your prayers and thoughts. We know that what is about to happen is an answer of prayer from your prayers and thoughts. So give thanks and rejoice for God answers prayer in his own timing. We are all in the palm of His hand and when we put our trust in Him, He comes through and takes care of us.

Larry & Hardy