Picture of Larry Hardy 2004

Larry Hardy's Personal update:

March 9, 2011

Have you ever woke up with great physical pain? Last Thursday morning around 2:00 A.M. in the morning, I experienced such an event. I quickly realized that I had an inflamed knee with lots of pressure and swelling underneath my kneecap. The pain was so severe that I could not even put any pressure on my leg much less bend it. With a pain scale of 1 to 10, I would put this pain level at about a 13. Aspirins, pain pills and etc. seem to have no effect on what was going on in my knee. Fortunately, I was able to make an early appointment to see my Orthopedic doctor to find out what was going on and to get some relief. After removing fluid from underneath my kneecap and putting a medication in its place, I was able to start feeling a little relief in my knee. Hopefully I will be walking again like normal within 48 hours.

As I was reflecting on my last 36 hours, the thought came to me how my spiritual life can become effected and slow down my ability to do what Christ is called me to do. At this point in time, I can choose my own remedies to fix the problem or call on the great physician to remove the infection that has gotten into my life and replace that infection with Christ’s love, forgiveness and power. Unfortunately, I still live in a human body with the problems and pressure of this world all about me. And there are times that the infection of this world seems to penetrate this worldly body. At this point in time, the best thing I can do is call upon Doctor Jesus to remove this infection from my body and replace it with strength and nourishment needed to continue my walk that he has designed for me.

When I accepted him as my Lord and Savior, he did not promise me a rose bed with thorn-less roses. He told me and instructed me that this new walk with Him would have its challenges for my enemy (Satan) would be doing all he could to get me to forsake Him. Satan is a master of lies and deception and many times it looks good at the beginning, but in the end it leads me to death for all eternity. When you are tempted by the evil one or have situations in your life, remember that Christ is there ready to help you. All he asks is for you to call on him and ask for His help. Life here on this Earth is an ever challenging bombardment of worldly stuff. Trust, believe in, and love the Savior who died on the cross for you and he will help you through this time on this Earth.

Cancer update: as per my last report from Dr. Z. of no growth in the cancer and telling me to come back in five months, I am still without any pain or symptoms that remind me that I am supposedly dying from stage IV terminal kidney cancer. Please continue with me in praying for Dr. Z., Dr. Ward, and Dr. Jana. Also give thanks to Jesus for the miracles that he is working in my life. He is truly an awesome God.


Juanita and Larry